This week’s question came courtesy of user YouTube. User rainearcilla asks this question about making white bread:


“I have another question… where can I raise my dough after kneading it? also can you show us the “window pane test” next time on your videos? thank you very much…”


It’s best to let your bread rise in a warm dry area which is free from drafts. Drafts are a killer. If it’s really cool in my kitchen, I will set my bread dough on the counter top near my stove when I am baking other things. You have to be careful not to put it in an area that is too hot though.

Below is a demonstration of the window pane test. Thanks for your question!


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13 Responses to “Ask Candra: The Window Pane Test”

  1. Elsa Gonzalez says:

    I was wondering if altitud makes a difference and what to do about it. I live 7,000 ft above sea level. thanks